TMK Consulting Engineers - Wind Speeds Map > South Australia
TMK Wind Speeds Map
Copyright © TMK Consulting Engineers 2013-2017
Double-click on the map to zoom in. Set the centre of the map image at the same time. Zoom in or out using the mouse wheel or the "+" and "-" buttons at the top right of the map. Pan around the map by holding the left mouse button down and "dragging" the map across the page. See overhead photographs of some parts of the state by clicking on "Road" or "Aerial" located at the top right of the map.

Choose to show or hide any of the groups (A, S, M-D, etc) by changing the "check" boxes immediately below the map, then, in Google Chrome or Firefox, refresh the map using F5 or Ctrl-R. In Microsoft Edge, use the <- arrow followed by the -> arrow at the top left of the menu bar to refresh the page.

Click with the left mouse button on a coloured pin to show details of the soil movement at that location. Print a list of the locations showing on the map using your browser's normal "print" command.

NOTE: In this version of the program, the extents of the map have been limited to southern South Australia.
N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 U

Wind Terrain Category
Wind Class (AS 4055-2012)
Design Wind Speeds (AS/NZS1170.2)

All engineering information shown on this page is the intellectual property of TMK Consulting Engineers, Adelaide, South Australia.
Any reproduction of the information made without written approval from TMK Consulting Engineers is strictly prohibited.